Canadian Immigration Programs – Know Which Program Is Best For You?

Canadian immigration programs

Canadian immigration programs
Canadian immigration programs

Opportunities are endless once you dare to cross the borders of your country. At the same time, every opportunity is not the right one for you. The right ones are in the right places. Since you are one of those very few dream chasers, you deserve nothing less than best. So which country is best for you?

If you already have Canada in your mind, then we would first like to congratulate you on the excellent decision you have made. Secondly, we would like to tell you that this article is for you. If you have any other country in your mind, then this article is definitely for you. Because in this article, we have information regarding the amazing programs that Canada offers to its immigrants and opportunities that one has in Canada. So make sure to read the article till the last word.


Based on your current position and your goals, there are multiple programs offered by Canada for its immigrants. Some of the best programs are mentioned below. Choose the one which better suits you.

1) Federal Skilled worker Program:

This program is for workers who are planning to immigrate to Canada. To apply for this program, one has first to create an online Express Entry profile. This process comes under the express entry scheme that was introduced by the federal government in the year 2015.

In your profile, you have to give information regarding specific qualifications based on which your rank will be assessed. These minimum qualifications that one should have to be eligible for FSWP are mentioned below.

Once you have filled your profile, the Comprehensive Ranking system will evaluate your score and decides a cut-off mark for the ones in the express entry pool. If your rank is right, then you will get an invitation to apply (ITA) from the government of Canada.

If you have a low rank, then you can improve your rank while being in the pool. You can improve your qualifications that you have mentioned in the profile to improve your rank.

Eligibility for FSWP:

1. Need to qualify in an exam like IELTS to prove your proficiency in English and/or French.

2. Should have at least one year of experience in any field classified under the National Occupational Classification (NOC) skill level 0, A or B in the last ten years.

3. Canadian Educational credentials or Foreign Educational credentials and Education Credential Assessment (ECA) report.

2) Canadian Experienced class:

The above mentioned FSWP is for the foreign people who are newly moving to Canada. If you are already residing in Canada and are willing to make it your permanent residence, then you can apply it through Canadian Experienced Class.

The application process is the same as that of FSWP, but the eligibility is different.

Eligibility for CEC:

1. Should have obtained at least one year of experience in any technical or professional field within 36 months of application.

2. Should meet the Canadian Language Benchmark of 5 to 7 depending on the job.

This CEC is also available for the people who are no longer in Canada. If you have left Canada some 2 to 3 years back, then you can still apply for permanent residence through CEC.

3) Family Class Sponsorship:

This scheme is for those who wish to migrate their whole family to Canada. Under this scheme, Canadian citizens or the permanent residents in Canada can initiate or sponsor spouses to their family members. Thus the Federal government of Canada is allowing the families of the residents to join the party in Canada.

Eligibility for family sponsorship:

1. A resident of Canada should sponsor you the spouses.

4) Investors and Entrepreneurs Program:

If you are an entrepreneur thinking to expand your business to Canada, then this scheme is for you. Under this scheme, you can establish your company or industry in Canada. But before that, you need to show them certain things. You should demonstrate to them the availability of funds, resources, and your clear intention behind expanding your company into Canada. If you are done with this once, then you would get an opportunity to establish your company in Canada.

Eligibility for Investors and Entrepreneur Programs:

1. One should demonstrate the availability of funds, resources, and one’s the clear intention behind establishing the company or business in Canada.

2. Investors should have a minimum net worth of CAD 1,000,000, and entrepreneurs should have a net worth of CAD 900,000.

3. Investors should have a minimum of 2 years of experience in the field he is investing.

5) Quebec Experience Class:

Quebec is one of the provinces in Canada. It is called the French province of the country. Among all the provinces, Quebec is highly autonomous and thus has its own rules for the immigrants to Canada.

This province offers multiple paths to move to Canada, which is the unique feature of this province. To apply, you need to obtain certificat de selection du Quebec (CSQ). This is the certificate that the Quebec Government gives you to certify you that, you are now a resident of Quebec.

Students who have studied In Quebec and planning to settle in Quebec can apply CSQ through this Quebec Experience Class in a much simpler way. They just need to

1. Show the intention to settle in Quebec to get a job.

2. Have studied in Quebec for at least two years.

3. Have got a degree or diploma recognized by the Quebec Ministry of Education within the past 36 months.

Eligibility for Quebec Experience Class:

1. One should obtain certificate de selection du Quebec.

6) Provincial nominee programs:

Besides the programs offered b the central government of Canada, each province in Canada has its own Provincial Nominee Program. Through this, the province in Canada verify each person and decide if he/she is eligible to live there.

Some of the provinces in Canada are Alberta, Ontario, Manitoba, Nova Scotia. For final or further qualifications, the person should have a job offer letter from a Canadian employer. Once you get through this, you need to stay in that province when you enter Canada.

Eligibility for PNP:

1). A person should have a job offer letter from a Canadian employer.

2). So those were the programs that Canada offers to its immigrants. We hope one of the above would fit your requirement. Immigration to Canada or any other country is not as simple as it is said above. It involves a lot of paperwork behind and is often time and energy-consuming. Hence one should take the help of an immigrant service.

3). Choosing the best in the business often saves you time, energy, and money. So to help you with that here we are suggesting one of the best immigration services in India.

Why Radvision Worl Consultancy?

Radvision is often the first name that one would hear when it comes to Canadian immigration consultancy services. They are a team of experienced and enthusiastic people who have already sent hundreds of people to their dream countries since 2010 and are continuing to send more.

With fantastic feedback from the customers for the excellent work by this company, it is now standing as the top in immigrant and visa services. These words about this iso certified company are not said by us, the best immigration services award given by in 2019 says it all.

Hence, do visit this site to make your application process simpler and more comfortable.


What will be the general processing time for an application for FSWP?

The general processing time is around six months.

Is French a mandatory language in Quebec?

Yes, to get CSQ one much prove his proficiency in French. Passing any standardized French language test recognized by the Quebec Government would do the job.

What is the processing fee for FSWP?

For elders, the processing fee is CAD 1040, and for children, it is CAD 150.

Is a Health test mandatory for the applicants?

Yes, for the applicants of almost all programs, the Health test is mandatory.

I hope you found this article informative and got answers to all your questions. For further queries please head over and contact our Radvision World Consultancy.

Radvision World Team About Radvision World Team
Radvision​ ​World​ ​Consultancy​ ​is​ ​an​ ​ISO​ ​9001:​ ​2015​ ​certified​ ​immigration​ ​agency​ ​in​ ​Delhi, India.​ ​We’re​ ​one​ ​of​ ​the​ ​best​ ​immigration​ ​services​ ​provider​ ​in​ ​Delhi,​ ​specializes​ ​in offering​ ​IMMIGRATION​ ​and​ ​VISA​ ​consulting​ ​services​ ​for​ ​the​ ​countries​ ​such​ ​as​ ​Australia, Canada,​ ​Hong​ ​Kong,​ ​Germany,​ ​UK,​ ​USA,​ ​Dubai,​ ​Singapore,​ ​Malaysia​ ​and​ ​much​ ​more.