Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) – Everything You Need To Know

Educational Credential Assessment

Educational Credential Assessment

When you complete your education outside from USA or Canada and want to get access to those countries, then how should the authority of the potential country understand your educational background level without any judgment? Educational Credential Assessment, also known as ECA is a report provided by a designated company to evaluate your foreign education. Through this report, the immigration and citizenship authority can have your education and skill proof by some trusted agency they issued for. This report can be submitted via Express Entry, the online immigration application system.

What Educational Credential Assessment is?

Educational credential assessment is a formal way of how an institute or organization evaluates the quality of your educational and professional background with some trusted information. This process is essential for getting immigration, license, and education visa. Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) is the must-required program in order to get entry into Canada under the different program of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).

canada permanent visa

It is good to know that in 2013 the Canadian citizenship and immigration center has issued seven different credential organizations to help foreign applicants to pass through the Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) program. Worldwide universities, colleges, and even maximum employers use the credential evaluation to understand the foreign education system in order to judge appliers whether they meet their requirements or not.

Who needs to go through this program?

Canadian authority must ask for an ECA when any foreign applicants apply for any kind of long-term entry permit except in tourist and business purpose. If you want to complete your higher study or get a decent job at Canada then you need to complete your evaluation assessment from any credential evaluation agency designated by Canadian citizenship and immigration authority.

When you completed your education outside of Canada then you need to achieve the eligibility as a principal applier for the foreign educational degree you earned from outside of Canada. In order to get this successfully, you need to earn the required point. To earn those points, you must have completed a minimum equivalent qualification of post-secondary credential or Canadian high school. If you have a master’s degree then you just need to have an assessment for a master’s degree rather than a bachelor degree.

Meaning of your report

In order to receive the entry permission or higher study permission from immigration authority, you need to submit your potential evaluation report with enough required assessments. There are lots of designated organizations available out there who can provide the reports. In your credential report, you must complete the requirements of educational credential that should be equals to the secondary school level of Canada.

Candidates should go through a comprehensive ranking system to get access and get entry to express entry pool. Altogether there is a 1200 point in this point-based system. 600 are for skill, expertise, common law-partner or spouse and language skill. And another 600 are for Canadian degree, diploma or any kind of valid job offer proof.

Report submitting process

After acquiring the report from a nominal credential agency, you need to submit your report to the immigration authority through the Express Entry system. Express Entry is online report submission system software that can help you to upload your report and apply for immigration.
Before submitting the report, make sure that your report is from designated professionals or organizations that are entitled by the immigration and citizenship authority. Make sure that your submitted report is not older than 5 years from your permanent residential submission. You obviously shouldn’t be asking for the agency to submit your report directly to the authority.

After getting your final report to consider fill up your express entry profile with the reference number and result. While uploading your report, try to keep all the documents be original. After completing all the tasks mentioned above and ensure that you fulfill the requirements perfectly, upload the copies if the authority sends you the invitation for permanent citizenship.

Bottom line

Having completed the educational credential assessment is a major part in order to get permission in a foreign country, especially when you studied under another education system. However, the types of evaluations vary on a country to country according to evaluation purpose. The Canadian authority evaluates every detail from course-by-course and document-by-document very carefully. The level of credential evaluation also depends on admission requirements for the particular employment or school admission or simple immigration. This step is as serious as a shift into a foreign country. So before trying to apply for a foreign immigration, one should have a proper study regarding this issue.

Neha Yadav About Neha Yadav
Neha Yadav is the Sr. HR Executive at Radvision World Consultancy Services LLP. 2.4 year of experience in Human resource & End to End Recruitment, revenue growth, top talent retention, and multi-industry IT & Non-IT Both operations to ultimately meet and exceed to hire top talent as per client expectations.