What is Canada Express Entry Program to immigrate to Canada?



The immigrants from different parts of the world love to migrate to Canada as it is one of the welthiest countries in terms of culture as well as economy. Along with that people also sense a better standard of living there, and that is one of the major reasons for migration as well. The Canadian economy is appreciated due to the government’s assurance of providing job opportunities open to all. With such excellence as a country, it becomes quite obvious that immigrants have an attraction towards Canada and such migrants from all over the world desire to live there. Talking about the culture of the country, it is simply beautiful with an adequate amount of diversity and uniqueness. Therefore, let us know about the express entry program of the Canadian government for non-native people of the country.

What is an Express Entry system?

EE is the short term used for Express Entry. It is an online application system for immigration that enables a migrant to submit his or her complete profile in order to be considered as an eligible and skilled applicant. The migrants who applied for it are required to attain the top rankings in order to become eligible for applying permanent residency of the non-native country. The government of Canada welcomes immigrants from all across the globe with gratitude and open arms. Therefore, a skilled person can enjoy a better quality of life while being in Canada just like any other citizen of the country.

How Express Entry works

If an applicant fills ups the profile through the program of Express Entry, his or her application would be ranked on the basis of the points system. The immigrants who may achieve a high rank after the completion of the process would be invited for applying for Canada’s permanent residence on the grounds of being skilled and professional. After the immigrant applies for it, application for permanent residency processes within the time period of the next six months.

What is Express Entry Draw

In the year 2018, applicants of permanent residency were blessed with the fourteenth draw of express entry. It involved about more than thirty-five hundred immigrants who received an ITA (invitation to apply). The CRS (comprehensive ranking system) cut-off verge for this particular draw is four hundred and forty-two points which are quite similar to the previous one that was conducted on the 25th of June.

Canada Express Entry Process

The process of express entry is not a complicated one; it is a short step process indeed. There is an involvement of a couple of steps in order to complete the process, these steps are:

Step: 01

Completion of significant profile online. The form is quite secured, and it consists of the information concerning with ability of language, the experience of professional work, education, skills and other similar details that are essential for assessment. For meeting the criteria of FIP (federal immigration program), the applicants are acknowledged among different other applicants. An applicant has to register with a bank of job, and they may introduce them to various employers of Canada, such case is required only if the applicant doesn’t acquire the job that LMIA supports or there is no territorial nomination. The chances of an immigrant increase with employers by the usage of job boards and recruiter.

Step: 02

Once an applicant has been assessed properly after applying, the candidates with the highest ranking would be invited for application of permanent residence. The point basis ranking by the system is popularly known as the comprehensive system of ranking. The points are awarded on the grounds of provided information from the profile, and therefore an immigrant with the highest score in the pool gets an opportunity to apply for permanent residency.

In simple words when an immigrant gets a high rank the chances of receiving an invitation also increases for him. After the invitation is received, a window period of about two months is provided to the immigrant for submitting permanent residence application. The immigration and citizenship of Canada take a time period of six months or less than that in the completion of the process. An applicant could remain in the pool for about a year, and if he or she still do not receive the invitation, then he or she can start again with new profiles. The express entry is truly a blessing for the well qualified, eligible and skilled immigrants who tend to lead a quality life in Canada.

Express Entry vs. Canada PR Visa

There are a number of programs for immigration to Canada, but the EES (express entry system) and PNP (provincial nominee program) are most popular and common among all. A large number of candidates apply in such programs every year with an obvious motive of becoming a permanent resident of Canada. Talking about express entry, it is a program of federal immigration which accepts the permanent residence applications under the category of skilled worker. And as far as PNP (provincial nominee program) is considered it is a special program of immigration of a number of provinces from all over Canada like SINP, BCPNP, OINP, AINP, etc. These programs run by coordinating with the government. Apply PR for Canada to become Canadian citizen in 6 months.


LMIA plays a vital role for an immigrant to attain the permanent residence in Canada. It is also taken care that if an immigrant gets a job in Canada, it doesn’t affect the professional life of an actual existing citizen of the country. As a country, Canada has a great influence on youngsters as it is quite efficient in fulfilling the dreams of students. While on the other Canada, it is a country that cherishes inputs of the immigrants in the country’s development and economic growth. People also desire to travel to Canada as it is a hub of adventure sports in a true sense but getting the permanent resident visa is like a dream. The best way of getting a visa without entertaining a number of hassles is to get services from an immigration consulting service.

There are a number of immigration consulting services that provide great help to immigrants from the very initial process of application to interview they could help an immigrant in facing all such tasks. Looking for immigrate to Canada with Express Entry Program? Radvision World is here to help you to process your canada express entry visa.

Raj Kishore About Raj Kishore
I am a digital marketing consultant at Radvision World Consultancy. I've been worked in digital marketing since 2010. My core area of expertise is lead generation and conversion optimization for small & startup businesses.